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О проекте


Платформа TeachPro Оплата Контакты

Russian for English 5-9 gr.

Русский для иностранцев


Описание курса

The proposed multimedia interactive tutorial (training course) is a convenient and effective manual for independent study of the Russian language, developed in accordance with the concept of modern intensive teaching of foreign languages. The course is intended for those who are just starting to learn Russian.

The tutorial consists of the following sections:

Dialogs. This section includes dialogs reflecting situations from life (with odd numbers), and the corresponding trainings (with even numbers). Each lesson contains a list of new words. Classes can be held in the following modes: dictation; reading and practicing pronunciation; Text translation. The user will become an active participant in the dialogs, modeling speech situations using a microphone.

Sounded illustrated dictionary.

Grammar. A hypertext textbook with which the user will learn to speak and write competently in Russian.

Phonetics. This section of the tutorial contains comprehensive theoretical material on phonetics, including exercises for practicing the pronunciation of individual words, intonation, speed and rhythm of speech.

Country Studies. A large amount of materials on country studies, organized in the same way as dialogs.

Exercises. The section includes 144 dialog exercises, 38 tests, 72 additional exercises.

  • Dialogs: 72
  • Trainings: 72
  • Pronounced words: 10 000
  • Phonetics Lessons: 10

Также Вы можете приобрести SCORM версию курса за 36 000 ₽
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ООО "Мультимедиа Технологии" (Web-Издательство) с 1993 г. является лидером в России по разработке мультимедийных интерактивных образовательных онлайн-курсов.



1 200
  • В курс входят:
  • 1018 уроков
  • 0:00 видео
  • Интерактивные материалы и задания
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